Construction Update January 22, 2025

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In this issue:

  • Detours on Thomas Lake Harris Road
  • Winter Suspension
  • Project Overview
  • Construction Notes

Detours on Thomas Lake Harris Drive

[new!] On Thursday, January 23, the contractor will reinstall speed tables and speed humps along Thomas Lake Harris Drive. During this work, the road will be fully closed, with detours in place. Residents of Oakmont of the Terraces will be detoured north toward Skyfarm Drive, while residents of Stonefield will be detoured south toward Fountaingrove Parkway. Detour signage will be posted to guide motorists. Please exercise caution when traveling through the area and adhere to all traffic control measures.

Once work on Thomas Lake Harris Drive is completed the contractor will begin addressing outstanding punchlist items and striping of the roadways. This work will be limited in scope and is expected to have minimal impact on residents.

Project Overview

The project will resurface 33-miles of residential City streets damaged following the 2017 Tubbs Fire. Two pavement treatment options will be applied to resurface the pavement on this project. One pavement treatment option will involve a mill-and-fill asphalt replacement and the other involves dig-out repairs and application of a latex-modified, high-volume traffic slurry seal treatment. The type of treatment applied to a street depends on the pavement condition of the roadway. The project will also include the installation of approximately 330 ADA-compliant pedestrian curb ramps.

Construction Notes

As with all large construction projects, there will be unavoidable disruptions to nearby neighbors and to motorists traveling in the area – we apologize in advance for noise, dust, lane closures, traffic delays, and any other impacts or inconveniences. When driving, walking, or biking in the area, always be aware of construction crews and equipment, flaggers, special signage, slower traffic, and rough roadways. Use an alternate route if possible, and allow for additional time to get to and from your destination.

For information about the Coffey Park and Fountaingrove Neighborhood Road Disaster Recovery Project and to ensure you are getting up-to-date project information, visit the Project web page at Please share this information with your neighbors.

If you have questions or concerns about this project, send an email to or call the project information line at (707) 385-1239.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation!