Construction Update January 15, 2025

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In this issue:

  • Fountaingrove Neighborhood Paving Operations Underway
  • Project Overview
  • Construction Notes

Fountaingrove Neighborhood Paving Operations Underway

[updated!] Paving operations in the Fountaingrove area are scheduled to continue on various streets through January 2025. The streets scheduled to be paved through the end of this month are listed below.

Please note: residents on the listed streets are asked to ensure that any trailers, equipment, vehicles, or materials from private construction projects are removed from the street as soon as possible, to avoid impeding the progress of the paving work.

The work on these streets will consist of grinding and removing approximately 2-3 inches of the roadway, and replacing it with new asphalt. Typical working hours will be Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., although lane closures will not begin until 8:00 a.m. Some lane closures may extend beyond 5:00 p.m., depending on the weather and the speed at which the asphalt cools. Schedule is subject to change due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.

Please note that these streets are not listed in the sequence that they will be paved, as some flexibility in the schedule is required due to day-to-day changes that impact operations. For more information on when a specific street will be paved please call the project information line at (707) 385-1239.  

Schedule for Wednesday, January 15 to Friday, January 17

  • Altruria Dr
  • Altruria Heights
  • Kirkridge St
  • Lake Park Dr

For the entire paving schedule please visit the website at

Please Note:

  • There may be times when the contractor needs to trim tree branches hanging over the road so that the paving equipment can safely pass without breaking the branches.
  • While this work is underway there will be ‘No Parking’ signs posted along the street.
  • If you need to use your vehicle on your street’s paving days, please park on an adjacent street.
  • Trash/recycling will be collected on the normally scheduled day before construction hours. If Recology is unable to collect the trash on that day they will make every effort to collect the trash bins on the following day.
  • Mail and package deliveries should not be impacted by construction activities. When needed, delivery vehicles are parked away from the construction zone and mail/packages are delivered on foot.

Project Overview

The project will resurface 33-miles of residential City streets damaged following the 2017 Tubbs Fire. Two pavement treatment options will be applied to resurface the pavement on this project. One pavement treatment option will involve a mill-and-fill asphalt replacement and the other involves dig-out repairs and application of a latex-modified, high-volume traffic slurry seal treatment. The type of treatment applied to a street depends on the pavement condition of the roadway. The project will also include the installation of approximately 330 ADA-compliant pedestrian curb ramps.

Construction Notes

As with all large construction projects, there will be unavoidable disruptions to nearby neighbors and to motorists traveling in the area – we apologize in advance for noise, dust, lane closures, traffic delays, and any other impacts or inconveniences. When driving, walking, or biking in the area, always be aware of construction crews and equipment, flaggers, special signage, slower traffic, and rough roadways. Use an alternate route if possible, and allow for additional time to get to and from your destination.

For information about the Coffey Park and Fountaingrove Neighborhood Road Disaster Recovery Project and to ensure you are getting up-to-date project information, visit the Project web page at Please share this information with your neighbors.

If you have questions or concerns about this project, send an email to or call the project information line at (707) 385-1239.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation!